If you are like most homeowners, when you consider getting new windows you are primarily thinking about a way to secure your home and your family, but new windows offer you much more than protection. In fact, you can save money throughout the year when you purchase new windows.
New Windows Reduce Energy Costs
One of the biggest expenses in your home is the money you put towards keeping your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer. With old windows, the energy you use can easily escape, causing you to use more energy each month. As a result of this, your energy bills will increase month after month. New windows help seal your home and they keep energy in, preventing you from running your heating and cooling system constantly.
New Windows Act as Insulation
Beyond keeping your energy in your home, installing new windows will help you insulate your home. Many new windows have gas inside the window panes to help you retain the energy in your home. During the summer months, this gas acts as a shield of sorts, helping you retain the temperature in your home longer. So, in addition to sealing your home, new windows help you retain the temperature levels.
Get a Tax Credit by Installing New Windows
Saving energy is a great place to start saving money with your home expenses, but you can also save money on your taxes when you purchase new windows. If you are a homeowner, finding tax credits is always a bonus.
Of course, you will have to purchase windows that qualify for the tax credit. By speaking to one of our window specialists at Anderson Exteriors, we can help you determine which windows may help you qualify for a tax credit.
New Windows Help Secure Your Premises
Of course, security is always a factor. With new windows, you reduce the chances of a thief invading your personal space, which can save you money because you won’t have to replace your personal items. Additionally, you won’t have to worry about the cost of your homeowner’s insurance increasing because you filed a claim against your policy.
There are many ways getting new windows can help you save money. In fact, without getting new windows, you can argue that you are throwing money down the drain. The New Year is a great time to make a change and save some money. You can contact us today to discuss your options for your new window installation.